Illusions and Separation of Time and Space:

Time being a relative system created by the ego, appears to create points of reference within the identification with self, creating beliefs in the difference of who we are in this lifetime and who we might be in a future or past life. In reality the Ascendant Self traverses all imagined boundaries of ego and time and IT (Self) is eternally active in the NOW, or all lifetimes. Whether they appear to be past or present or future from the identification of the ego, all lifetimes are interactive. What you are doing now is affecting what is happening in the past and the future and vice versa.

The ego thinks very small. It's boundaries lay within the identification of one single lifetime whether it can imagine itself or not in other lives. It separates its beliefs as the self in this lifetime with the beliefs of the ego in alternate realities or other lives. It does not include the infinite perspectives of all of its lives any more than it can integrate the knowledge, experience and beliefs of all humanity in its present life.

Even if it could it would fall short of the potential that exists in what can or could be experienced if the mind could traverse the entire lifespan of humanity within the created lifespan of the created universe just on one dimensional level. There are many more systems within the universe that support human life than our earth bound solar system.

Infinite wisdom cannot be contained any more than can one contain the Ascendant. One cannot stand in the relative and bring the infinite into the relative. It is impossible. No one can stand in the relative and claim to be enlightened and hold onto their experience of their enlightenment. It will change and so will their idea of enlightenment. You could try, but you will die trying.

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Is There Time to Meditate?

One who is always on the move does not really learn to appreciate being still. Our conditioning from early on has created the idea that we are doers and movers and that is the measure of our worth. In that world, there rarely is time for such a thing as meditation. Meditation as an activity is not producing results in the sense that we could easily relate to in this physical world.

Meditation is the polar opposite of how we are used to using our minds. Another way to describe meditation could be an inward moving mind. And that movement – instead of keeping the wheels turning in the outward movement – actually slows us down until we arrive at the very center where even the slightest movement of the mind ceases. This is meditation.

To truly appreciate and experience life, we need to learn this inward movement – meditation. From the inside out, we will realize that time is vastly different from our conception of it, and that only the meditative mind truly has time, because awareness is present to experience the Now. To be functional and effective in this world happens most effortlessly through a mind that is one-pointed and coherent: a mind in meditation. It takes far less energy to work at deeper levels of the mind; and this alone changes the way we move through daily life. If ever you feel that time is moving too fast and you can’t keep up with the pace – there is a different way to experience life.

The Importance of Attitude

                                                                  Part 3 of 3

An interesting thing that psychologists noted about Attitudes is that there are 3 levels of commitment to any Attitude, each with their own rewards:

* Low commitment – compliance:  formed to gain reward or avoid punishment

* Medium commitment – identification: As related to ego identification/comparison or self-perception

* High commitment – deep seated attitude: As to become part of the value system (5)

So as with any Attitude, the level of commitment is everything.  Ascension is so powerful as to be able to completely clear the nervous system and lead to full human consciousness. However, one can Ascend to feel better or reduce stress (just 20 minutes, two or three times a day); one can Ascend to improve their life (use Ascension Attitudes as often as you think of them); or one can Ascend to the Ultimate of Life – Full Human Consciousness, by adopting the Ascension Attitudes with full commitment.

MSI said, “Abundance in any area of human concern is the result of one-pointed commitment. It does not work to say, “I will change as soon as the external conditions make it possible to change.” The Universe can and will out-wait any such ego proposal. What does work is to say, “I will change Now, today; as I move consistently toward my goal, I assume that the means will manifest for me.” And of course they do, for instead of resisting the flow of life, the individuality has now aligned with Cosmic Will.” (6)

Ruby Nelson said, “The full realization of your true identity, your master pattern, does not suddenly burst upon you until the seed of truth has been planted, nourished, cherished, and allowed to mature to ripeness. This does not take thousands of years, it does not take hundreds, it may take only a few short years, a few months, a few weeks, depending entirely upon your attitude and intensity.” (7)


(6) MSI.  Ascension! 2011. The Ishaya Foundation Publishing Company
(7) Nelson, Ruby.  The Door of Everything, 1963. Devorss Publishing


                                                                       Part 2 of 3

                                                       Why are Attitudes Important?

“Attitudes, habits and emotions are largely responsible for mental and physical health.” (2) Research shows that around 98% of illnesses can be attributed to our thought life, and approximately 13% to diet, genetics and environment.

 Dr. Leaf goes on to say that every emotion results in an attitude.  Negative emotions evolve from fear. Positive emotions evolve out of faith.  In other words, there are faith-based emotions and fear-based emotions.

Toxic stressors are activated by fear, so fear is the root of all stress.  Research shows that fear triggers more than 1400 known physical and chemical responses and activates more than 30 different hormones and neurotransmitters.

Fear based emotions demand more and more space physically in the brain as well as in our thought life.  Like weeds, they grow in abundance crowding everything else out. (3)

Your emotional state affects how your body responds to a virus.  If you experience toxic emotions, the peptides flood the cell surface and change the receptor to make cells more permeable.  Therefore, a virus that happens to be sitting outside of the cell can easily slip in thereby making you sick.  

However, according to Dr. Leaf, when one experiences praise, positive chemicals are released and distributed through the body, making positive changes to cells and DNA.  They actually enhance your ability to build memory, develop intelligence and boost your immune system to help you stay healthy longer.

As Dr. Leaf noted, faith-based emotions create positive effects.   The Ascension Attitudes help to build faith  -  the faith that can change everything.  The Door of Everything reminds us, “As you weave these three Ascension Attitudes into the fabric of your daily life, you will be filled with great and mighty faith;  for love, praise, and gratitude are major components of that essential attribute.” (4)

(2) Leaf, Dr. Carolyn. Who Switched off my Brain? Controlling toxic thoughts and emotions. 2007 Switch on Your Brain
(3) Ibid.
(4) Nelson, Ruby.  The Door of Everything, 1963. Devorss Publishing