Is There Time to Meditate?

One who is always on the move does not really learn to appreciate being still. Our conditioning from early on has created the idea that we are doers and movers and that is the measure of our worth. In that world, there rarely is time for such a thing as meditation. Meditation as an activity is not producing results in the sense that we could easily relate to in this physical world.

Meditation is the polar opposite of how we are used to using our minds. Another way to describe meditation could be an inward moving mind. And that movement – instead of keeping the wheels turning in the outward movement – actually slows us down until we arrive at the very center where even the slightest movement of the mind ceases. This is meditation.

To truly appreciate and experience life, we need to learn this inward movement – meditation. From the inside out, we will realize that time is vastly different from our conception of it, and that only the meditative mind truly has time, because awareness is present to experience the Now. To be functional and effective in this world happens most effortlessly through a mind that is one-pointed and coherent: a mind in meditation. It takes far less energy to work at deeper levels of the mind; and this alone changes the way we move through daily life. If ever you feel that time is moving too fast and you can’t keep up with the pace – there is a different way to experience life.