The Importance of Attitude

                                                                  Part 3 of 3

An interesting thing that psychologists noted about Attitudes is that there are 3 levels of commitment to any Attitude, each with their own rewards:

* Low commitment – compliance:  formed to gain reward or avoid punishment

* Medium commitment – identification: As related to ego identification/comparison or self-perception

* High commitment – deep seated attitude: As to become part of the value system (5)

So as with any Attitude, the level of commitment is everything.  Ascension is so powerful as to be able to completely clear the nervous system and lead to full human consciousness. However, one can Ascend to feel better or reduce stress (just 20 minutes, two or three times a day); one can Ascend to improve their life (use Ascension Attitudes as often as you think of them); or one can Ascend to the Ultimate of Life – Full Human Consciousness, by adopting the Ascension Attitudes with full commitment.

MSI said, “Abundance in any area of human concern is the result of one-pointed commitment. It does not work to say, “I will change as soon as the external conditions make it possible to change.” The Universe can and will out-wait any such ego proposal. What does work is to say, “I will change Now, today; as I move consistently toward my goal, I assume that the means will manifest for me.” And of course they do, for instead of resisting the flow of life, the individuality has now aligned with Cosmic Will.” (6)

Ruby Nelson said, “The full realization of your true identity, your master pattern, does not suddenly burst upon you until the seed of truth has been planted, nourished, cherished, and allowed to mature to ripeness. This does not take thousands of years, it does not take hundreds, it may take only a few short years, a few months, a few weeks, depending entirely upon your attitude and intensity.” (7)


(6) MSI.  Ascension! 2011. The Ishaya Foundation Publishing Company
(7) Nelson, Ruby.  The Door of Everything, 1963. Devorss Publishing