The Unmanifest – the Key to Higher Consciousness

What is the Ultimate?  Is it Happiness; Peace; Joy; Contentment?  I submit to you that these are by-products of experiencing the Ultimate. The Ultimate lies in the Unmanifest, the Source, That from which everything is created.  The easiest explanation for this is to consider Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth”--- What was there in the beginning?  The Unmanifest, Unlimited Potential, the Source, Universal Mind --- it goes by many names.

This is not only the key to higher consciousness; it is the key to transformation in one’s life.  Many have tried method after method to make changes in their lives, but wonder why methods sometimes work  and sometimes don’t work.  Or, they work, but sometimes it might take a long time.  Why is that?

Many methods can lead to higher consciousness or transformation because they touch ever so briefly on the Unmanifest. However, most often the goal of these methods or the aspirant is the external outcome --- the healing, the loving feeling, the peace, the revelation --- in other words the experience.  Because that is the intent, or goal, reaching higher consciousness takes longer.

Ishayas’ Ascension is a very unique tool.  This tool develops tap roots into the Unmanifest, The Source, thereby developing higher consciousness in a short amount of time. Ascension actually restructures the mind to tap into higher consciousness as its normal mode of operation.  The more we practice, the more we can tap into that Infinite Source that brings All Good to our lives.   From that, the by-products are endless because they are all coming from the Source --- the Ascendant.

Jyoti Ishaya