The Mind is the Master that Molds and Makes

If you had no previous knowledge, or any idea of who or what you are, who would tell you who or what you are, or where would you get your information from? 

As newborn babies our humanity is defined for us by our parents and all of the societal influences that color their beliefs in the way they interact with us. Television, radio, the internet (the media) and even our public school systems can prescribe systems of belief which become our social mores.
 Our parents beliefs, filtered into their language is filled with the unconscious acceptance of what reality is, in the definitions they have chosen to accept, at their level of conscious awareness as they either experience it, or believe in it regardless of experience.
  From the standpoint of the ego living in the waking state, this is inclusive of the fears that are imagined by the superstitious mind which is lacking in experience.
  Beliefs and superstition, are easily passed down from generation to generation, and as good children we so often accept what we are told by the accepted authority without much thought.

If we are born in Russia and we call ourselves Russian, or in England we call ourselves English, or America we call ourselves American. How do we differentiate our character, our heritage, or our intelligence?

- Mahadeva Ishaya

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