Ride the Tiger

 Inspired by “Life of Pi”

What is the story of my life? Whichever one I choose to make real or bring into my focus. There are the events played out and the experiences that I have had in my life… and yet were you to ask me that question, I would have to choose which story to tell you and from what angle.

The secret is that you can as if rewrite your entire story from this present moment. You can change the past and you can direct your future to wherever you want it to go. None of us live in a life created by somebody else or something else. This gives us both the freedom to change and it also dissolves our victim-consciousness.

Some of the most liberating experiences in my life have been those moments where I have been able to rewrite the script. To see how an entire chain of events has shifted into one of appreciation and love instead of the dreadful march through the darkness of ignorance. The slightest change in the inner environment towards what is real changes everything.

No one can make this change happen for me as it does not come from the outside, but I have never been alone with it either. The story of my life, the original draft of it, is created from Unconditional Love, Infinite Wisdom, Unyielding Strength. Connecting with That through direct experience is what changes everything. Every single moment of my life is seen in a different light, it becomes enlightened through clear perception of reality.

That story is worthy of telling. It is worthy to be found and experienced. Unique to each individual and yet born from the One source.

Ride the tiger into the night, have the courage of a thousand, dive into the depths of the great waters. Live a life worthy of who you really are.
