An Introduction to the Art of Ascension

"The high mission of any art is, by its illusions, to foreshadow a higher universe reality, to crystallize the emotions of time into the thought of eternity.”

Since the beginning of the human race, we have engaged the mind and the senses to perceive the world around us, and to recognize a relationship between the world and our own human interaction.
 We begin this relationship at birth; from our first recognition of our growing sensory perceptions we learn to recognize our parents. From them, we learn to recognize the world around us and from what we perceive of that, develop a relationship with that world through our experiences.
 We all have experiences, that is what being human is all about. Yet we do not always have the same experiences. What makes us so unique is our ability to integrate experience into life and to socialize with others and their experience.
 We have the mind to take experience and integrate it into our perceptions of reality and improve our perceptions, or to put it in other words, we can choose to evolve.

From the very beginning we have tried to see the world and ourselves in the best way we can. Everyone always, and at all times, does the very best they are capable of doing to live life in a way that will create happiness, or fulfillment through satisfaction.
 In retrospect it would appear that some do better than others, but the truth is we will try to do the best we can rather than to intentionally choose to create suffering in our lives.

Excerpt from the Library, read the rest of this article: HERE