Mind and Healing

In this current frame of human experience we are very identified with the physical body and its varying conditions. There is little understanding of the reality of the mind-body continuum that we experience. And even if it is intellectually understood, there are only a few who really tap into the potential that we have inside. 

The true healer is inside of us, but this kind of healing does not create profit for business, nor does it recognize a reality of victimhood. The healing that manifests as we let go of our limiting beliefs and stresses is profound and lasting. It happens through individual choice for Reality. One only needs an efficient tool such as the Art of Ascension to activate this choice.

The body is much slower to change than our mind. Yet, a mind that is focused on Reality will change the body and ultimately the entire world we live in. There is a giant leap occurring in human consciousness right now. Soon we will know what True Healing means; we will experience it and know what is the source of it.