Business Cards

Many of us have felt the power of Ascension and know that it is a very effective means that connects us to the Divine source within.  We want to share this with others: our friends, family, loved ones or anyone we happen to meet that inspires us in that way.  This article is written to those of you that truly loves this Practice; and wants to share with others this amazing and effective tool that we know WORKS! 

One very easy way to share this Teaching is with The Ishaya Foundation business card. It points people to our website to find out more. If someone is ready, then this is all that is needed.  We can simply plant seeds; and in that way, we are contributing to the awakening of the planet. 

We may be having a conversation with someone and find ourselves talking about Ascension.  If this person shows interest to know more, we can offer them a business card.  Or, we may notice a community board while getting coffee or waiting for an acupuncture treatment, and simply feel like pinning up a few business cards. It is a simple gesture that, when coming from our heart, can go a long way.

If you feel the urge to share Ascension, please contact us and we will gladly mail you some business cards.  When there are more enlivened hearts working together, anything is possible. 

Please email us at sponsoring{at} with your ideas of how to share this powerful Teaching with the World, or call us at 888-474-2921.

With gratitude,
The Ishaya Foundation