Trying to have a Positive Attitude?

Almost everyone wants a positive attitude. Libraries, bookstores and websites are full of methods to attain a positive attitude or to achieve Positive Thinking.

The prudent person heeds the wisdom of Albert Einstein who stated “The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them”
We live in a world of duality. Our society is built on hierarchy and it seems that we are relentlessly required to determine if something is good or bad, or one thing is better than another. Every choice we make all day long, from what to eat, what to wear to “paper or plastic?” requires a continual hierarchy of decisions that directs our lives and the focus of our lives.

Proponents of Positive Thinking say, “If we just eliminate the toxic thoughts or the negative emotions, we will produce a better world.” Sounds good, until you remember Einstein’s statement above, or even Newton’s Law stating that, “for every force there is an equal and opposite force”. Have you ever tried affirmations? Why do they work sometimes and don’t work other times? The strategy in affirmations is to identify and combat toxic thoughts by developing affirmations to counteract them. I may or may not believe what I say, but I say it. After all, there’s another law that says, “What we focus on grows”.

But what is really growing? And what are we really focusing on??

Have you ever considered that you may be concerned about some lack? By trying to fix it, you are putting focus on the lack and you may actually increase lack in your life.

In the Enlightenment book, MSI said, “There are a number of different teachings today that encourage a constant repetition of positive or idealized statements. One unfortunate effect of this is a polarization between conscious ideals and the unconscious belief systems of the destructive internal programming. If we fail to recognize, accept and change unconscious emotional and psychological imprints, these forceful tactics of the ego will only serve to create tension and resistance in the personality and can lead to a dangerous split between the conscious and unconscious minds.”

By using the Ascension Attitudes, we are structuring a higher state of consciousness. We are moving the awareness to the Source of All Good. From this state, there is only One…..there are no opposites, there is no good or bad…..there is only Infinite Potential. Every time we use the Ascension Attitudes our consciousness expands. The more we use the Ascension Attitudes, the more we habituate to higher levels of awareness.