The World is Your Mirror

Life may seem very unpredictable at times in our modern society; filled with surprises, ups and downs and mixed messages.  In actuality, there is perfect order in the world around us; it is like a mirror that is continually responding to our thoughts, feelings and actions.  The more that we connect to the greater truth of who we are on the inside, the more we start to see that we have a choice in our thoughts and ultimately in how we view the world. 

The universe is forever giving and will constantly provide us with opportunities to see the world anew.  Perhaps it is time that we have more self-love and, courage in being who we are, and express ourselves unapologetically to others.  Ascending allows us to gradually and effortlessly move from victim-consciousness to creator-consciousness where we know that we have a choice in life, and that we are not helpless victims to the world around us, but powerful Creators with the ability to view and experience the world in whatever way we choose.  As we practice turning inward and clearing the mind and body of stress, we will start to create less chaos on the outside as the universe responds to our one pointed minds and hearts.

book, enlightenment, meditation

The Ascendant is everywhere.  It permeates and underlies everything. There is nowhere that the Ascendant does not reside.  That is why everything that is happening on the outside is the Ascendant, and is being created for our higher growth.   As MSI writes, “At all times, there is only good. What a relief to a tired mind to think such a simple thought!  Entertaining this one thought challenges us to see the good in that which the surface mind has judged to be bad or unworthy.  Entertaining this one thought propels us deeper and deeper into the growth of our individual consciousness.  Entertaining this one thought inspires us to learn of the good in all things.”  (Ascension!, p. 106).