Scientific Evidence of the Power of Choice

Dr. Carolyn Leaf has been researching the brain since 1981. She explains that as we journey through life, we must actively make choices about what thoughts to accept.  Toxic memories take up space, affect the way you think and the way the brain functions. You’ve accepted a thought or belief when “you choose to ask, answer, discuss, and analyze to give meaning to”. If you accept toxic thoughts, “you push it into a ‘memory tree’ of toxic chemicals.” She shows a picture of the brain that has “accepted” a “toxic” thought. It looks like a tree, having many branches and looks dark and troubled. She says it contains toxic emotions and toxic chemicals that can be a precursor to disease. You can view the picture and her comments at

Dr. Leaf says an unforgiving attitude can cause such things like high blood pressure, angina, strokes and aneurysms. Saying or thinking things like “I can’t do it”, “I always mess up”, “things will never change”, “that’s not fair”, “you always hurt me” overtime can make you sick. [1]

How powerful then the practice of the Ishayas’ Ascension that can root out these troubled trees. Plus, using the eyes-open practice gives a simple way to actively choose for Praise, Gratitude, Love or Compassion that will magnify the root of the Tree of Life; as a result, the old trees of duality atrophy and wither away.

[1] Leaf, C. P. (2008). Who Switched Off My Brain? Controlling Toxic Thoughts and Emotions.